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Sells Policy

The sells Policy governs how Nigomart Online Mall sell products to you. These serves as a contract between us and you. We strongly advice all user to read it before placing order.

Placing An Order?
When you place an order we will send acknowledgement email to you, this does not mean that we accept to sell to what you have ordered. Its simple means that we have received your request to buy from us.
We accept your order request when we confirm the stock, your payment and dispatch your order, which we will notify you as soon as we despatch your order/orders.
In a situation you bought multiple product several dispatch email will be send to you to confirm item despatch.Your Contract with us starts at that point.

Your can cancel order any-time before despatch confirmation notification is sent to you, this can be in the form of email, WhatsApp message, text message or all of the above.
Once we receive you cancellation request in writing before despatch we will refund your payment in full including shipping cost.
In a condition that we have already despatch your order our RETURN POLICY will apply see our return policy here

Your Cancellation Right Limitation
Your right is limited to the followings item

  • Personalised item or order specifically for you including per-orders
  • Despatch or delivery of product/item the is consider unsuitable for returning due to health protection these items are listed as return policy not apply on product view page
  • Unsealed Items
  • When we despatch items that its price changes cannot be control by us
  • When we despatch items that fast depreciate(example fresh food)
  • When we despatch digital content

Product Availability and Information
Nigomart is a marketing firm that sells product to consumers, we do not produce or manufacture any product. We will do our best to provide our customers with the right information. We strongly advice every customer to read and understand product manual, notes, warnings, label that is provided by the manufactures as this will be useful. Contact the manufactures if you have questions
In case of accident or unforeseen event happens when using these products Nigomart Online Mall or Nigomart Limited will not accept any form of responsibility or liability.
Will we do our best to continue to provide accurate product availability status but cannot guarantee that we will always get it right all time. In case where you place order that is out of stock or no-long available, we will inform you of the situation and we refund your full payment including shipping cost.

Nigomart is not liable for any kind of loss or kind of lost in profit you may encounter by entering the formation of this sell contract with us.

We will not be help responsible for failure to comply with the terms of this contract when event is beyond your control. We will do everything in our power to make sure we achieve your satisfaction. Your right to cancel where not affected in this situation.

Contract Changes and Amendment
We reserve the right to change and amend our policy, contract at any time without giving warning or notice. You are bind with the terms of the contract that is in place at the time you place your order with us.

Selling to Children
When it comes selling to children Nigomart Online Mall do not sell to anyone to under 18 we sell to adult only.Under 18 should seek for the consent of their parents/guardian to make purchase for them

Contact Us
If there are any questions regarding this sell policy you may contact us using the information below.

Nigomart Online Mall
10 Chester Street
Swindon Wiltshire
☎ +44-(0)1793-977-644

Last Edited on 01/03/2015